Arthroscopic Anterior Stabilisation
Post op Day 1-3 Weeks
Active assisted and closed chain exercises (within safe zone)
Proprioception and scapula setting
Neck, elbow, wrist & hand exercises
Avoid combined abduction & external rotation
Do not force or stretch
3-6 Weeks
Wean off sling
Stretches, gently progressing from safe zone
Strengthening within safe zone
6 Weeks +
Progress range of movement and resistance
Address any posterior capsule tightness
Open & closed chain proprioception exercises
Can commence combined abduction and external rotation
Week 6 - Active range of movement at least 75% of normal
Week 12 - Full range of movement, with only minor loss of combined abduction and external rotation
Return to Functional Activities
Driving - 4-6 weeks
Breaststroke - 6 weeks
Freestyle - 3 months
Golf - 3 months
Contact Sport - 4-6 months
Light - 3 weeks
Heavy - 3 months
Sedentary - As able
Manual - 3 months