Arthroscopic Sub-acromial Decompression
Arthroscopic Sub-acromial decompression; mid resection
Post op Day 1-3 Weeks
Sling until block wears off (completely discarded by 2 weeks)
Teach active assisted exercises in all planes, progressing to active as able
Postural awareness and scapular setting
3-6 Weeks
Progress active range of movement
Progress strengthening
Week 3 - Full passive range of movement
Week 6 - Full active range of movement, good scapular control
Return to Functional Activities
Driving - Once ROM and power restored & pt feels safe
Swimming- As pain allows
Golf - 6 weeks
Racquet Sports/Repeated Overhead Activities- 2-3 months
Lifting - As able
Sedentary - As able
Manual - 6 weeks, (modify activity for 3 months)